Bruce White

Much of my sculpture has been influenced by images of the irregular and unpredictable patterns of nature—the orderly disorder of chaos theory.  For example, the changing patterns of migrating birds in flight or of schools of fish, or the swirling mass of bats as they leave a cave at night and somehow manage to avoid colliding.  Or the way that light that penetrates the foliage of trees and projects flickering changing patterns on the ground, and to falling leaves whose downward path is determined by the wind as well as by their contours.

I have always been drawn to the manipulation of a plane in both organic and
geometric configurations.  I have tried to integrate my studies of chaos theory concepts and fractal formations with large folded and curved planes, piercing and patterning metal surfaces to capture and reflect both natural light as the sun moves and artificial light at night.

To be honest I am never quite sure what my next sculpture will look like prior to beginning a work.  My intention is that each one becomes a unique experience.  If I could say it, write it, or sing it, there would be no need to build it.  I look forward to surprising myself.


Fire Monument

Forest Canopy

Four Winds





Over the Top



Studio/Home:                                                       Winter Residence:   
521 East Locust Street                                         708 Chippy Lane
DeKalb, Illinois 60115                                          Nokomis, Florida 34275
815 761-5660                                                       941 480-9206

Education:                                                            Web Site:
University of Maryland                               
Columbia University, New York                           
                                                                             E-mail Address:
Northern Illinois University                                  
Southern Illinois University                                 
Queens College, City University of New York     
Adelphi University, New York
Garden City Senior High, New York
Florida State University

Major Awards/Honors:
2011   Sculpture Commission Award, New College Anniversary, Sarasota, Florida.
2010   “Bruce White School of Sculpture,” Student Tribute Exhibition, Austin-Peay State University, Clarksville, Tennessee.
2007   Sculpture Commission Award, Newport News Public Art Foundation, Newport News International Airport, Newport News, Virginia.
2005   Sculpture Commission Awards (2), National Competition, Wiley Post Skate Park, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
2004   Sculpture Commission Award, William Rainey Harper College, Palatine, Illinois
2002   Sculpture Commission Award, National Competition, Riverwalk, City of Jacksonville, Florida.
2000   Sculpture Commission Award, National Competition, The Woodlands,           Texas.
1998   Sculpture Commission Award, % for Art, State of Illinois, Northern Illinois University College of Engineering, DeKalb.
1995   Sculpture Commission Award, % for Art, State of Florida, Florida Solar Energy Center, Cocoa Beach.
1995   Dedication of sculpture for the Dalsland Museum, Upperud, Sweden.  Presented to King and Queen of Sweden.
1993   Distinguished Research Professorship, Northern Illinois University.
1992   Sculpture Commission Award, % for Art, State of Illinois, Illinois Academy of Math and Science, Aurora.
1991   Grant, American Scandinavian Foundation, New York City, funding support for large public sculpture, Mellerud, Sweden.


CANYON RIVER, print on canvas, 6’ x 4’, Sarasota Memorial Hospital, Sarasota, Florida, 2013.
UNTITLED, two powder-coated aluminum units, 2’ x 2’, Sarasota Memorial Hospital, Sarasota, Florida, 2013.
CHROMOSPHERE GARDEN, powder-coated aluminum, 14’ x 2’ x 8”, private residence, Princeton, New Jersey, 2013.
STILL LIFE, powder-coated aluminum, 12’ x 4’ x 2,’ Palmer Court Townhouses, Detroit, Michigan, 2011.     
FOUR WINDS, stainless steel, 16’ high, New College, Sarasota, Florida, 2011.
GUST, powder-coated aluminum, eight units, 14’ x 8,’ Student Success Building, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, 2008.
WHIRLWIND, powder-coated aluminum, 5’ diameter, Art in State Buildings Project, Harriet L. Wilkes Building, Atlantic University, Jupiter Campus, Jupiter, Florida, 2008.
IZAR, stainless steel, 30’ high, Newport News International Airport, Newport News, Virginia, 2007.
            MEANDER, painted aluminum, 24' high,  City of Sarasota, Old Federal Building, Sarasota, Florida, 2006.
            BEACON, stainless steel, 12' x 3' x 3' x 3', Riverfront Skate Park, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 2005. 
            OVER THE TOP, painted aluminum, 22' x 14' x 14', Riverfront Skate Park, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 2005.
           CELEBRATION, powder-coated aluminum, 12' x 7' x 4', Alumni Center, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois, 2005.
          SLICE, anodized aluminum, 14’ x 18” x 18”, Fruitville Professional Villas, 1348 Fruitville Road, Sarasota, Florida, 2005.
         JUBILEE, stainless steel, 40’ X 3’ X 3’ X 3’,  William Rainey Harper College, Palatine, Illinois, 2004. 
         FOREST CANOPY, stainless steel, 12' diameter x 15' x 8', City of Wilmette, Illinois, 2003.       
        X-TENSION, painted aluminum, 12’ x 8’ x 22”, Stephen King Collection, Casey Key, Florida, 2003. 
        FIRE MONUMENT, stainless steel, 48’ high, national competition winner, Riverwalk, City of Jacksonville, Florida, 2002.   
         WINDDRIFT, anodized aluminum, 12’ x 4 ’x 3’, Samuel B. Barker Outdoor Sculpture Competition Purchase Award, University of Alabama, Birmingham, 2001.
        MIGRATIONS, stainless steel, 20’ x 24’x 3’, The Farallon, Ohio and Dearborn, Chicago, Illinois, 2001.
        CRUSTACEAN, painted aluminum, 16’ x 15’ x 8’, 1998, Grounds for Sculpture, Hamilton, New Jersey, 2001. 
          MILLENNIUM SCULPTURE, stainless steel and granite, 36’ x 6’ x 6’ x 6’, The Woodlands, Texas, 2000.

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